Maryn has appeared on Fresh Air, Radiolab, All Things Considered, On Point, Coast to Coast, Morning Edition, Science Friday, Talk of the Nation, Good Food, The Takeaway, Skeptically Speaking, and others in the US, Canada and Europe. Here's a selection.

Take Out with Ashley Koff RD and Robyn McCord O'Brien | March 8, 2017
"Antibiotics in meat production"
Background Mode with John Martellaro | Jan. 30, 2017
"Becoming a science journalist"
BBC The Inquiry with Helena Merriman | Oct. 18, 2016
"How did we mess up antibiotics?"
Futureproof with Jonathan McCrea, Newstalk IE | June 4, 2016
"Antibiotic resistance"
Marketplace Morning Report | March 29, 2016
"Zika virus and mosquito control"
On Point with Tom Ashbrook, WBUR | December 16, 2015
"A new superbug attacks our last line of antibiotic defense"
MPR News with Kerri Miller | December 7, 2015
"The growing concern over antibiotic resistance"
Radiolab | November 2, 2015
"Staph Retreat"
Top of Mind with Julie Rose, BYURadio | September 8, 2015
"Antibiotic resistance"
Meanwhile in the Future with Rose Eveleth, Gizmodo | June 9, 2015
"When antibiotics stop working"
Midday on the Bay with Dan Rodricks and Rona Kobell, WYPR | April 16, 2015
"Antibiotics in the food chain"
Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane, WHYY | March 11, 2015
"McDonald's chicken goes antibiotic-free"
Weekend All Things Considered with Arun Rath, NPR | March 7, 2015
"McDonald's is limiting use of antibiotics in its chicken"
What Doesn't Kill You with Katy Keiffer, Heritage Radio Network | October 15, 2014
"Antibiotics in livestock"
Innovation Hub with Kara Miller, WGBH | October 2, 2014
"Life after antibiotics"
Readers' Corner with Bob Kustra, Boise State Public Radio | August 29, 2014
"Imagining a post-antibiotic future"
Off the Menu with Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl, WCCO | July 19, 2014
"Antibiotics in food production"
On Point with Tom Ashbrook | May 5, 2014
"A wake-up call on antibiotic resistance"
Weekend All Things Considered, NPR | December 15, 2013
"FDA fighting the antibiotic backlash in meat"
Inquiring Minds podcast | December 6, 2013
"Our scary post-antibiotic future"
Take Two, Southern California Public Radio | October 8, 2013
"Foster Farms chicken blamed for Salmonella outbreak"
Science for the People | October 4, 2013
"The power of poop"
Where We Live with John Dankosky, WNPR | June 4, 2013
"Befriending Bacteria"
World Have Your Say, BBC World Service | May 13, 2013
"The new coronavirus"
Skeptically Speaking with Marie-Claire Shanahan | April 26, 2013
"The new bird flu — and the media"
Virtually Speaking Science with Tom Levenson | April 24, 2013
"The looming post-antibiotic disaster"
On the Media with Bob Garfield, NPR | April 12, 2013
"Reporting Global Health Epidemics in a Wired World"
Off the Menu with Dara Grumdahl, WCCO, Minneapolis | March 30, 2013
"Superbugs and agriculture"
To The Point with Warren Olney, KCRW | March 25, 2013
"The dangers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria"
Straight, No Chaser with Katy Keiffer, Heritage Radio Network | January 27, 2013
"Superbugs and poultry production"
Futureproof with Jonathan McCrae, Dublin | January 5, 2013
"Stopping a MRSA outbreak with gene sequencing"
Take Two, Southern California Public Radio | December 10, 2012
"Antiseptics may be culprit in infection outbreaks"
Talk of the Nation with Neal Conant, NPR | September 18, 2012
"Hospitals fight to stop superbugs' spread"
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn | September 17, 2012
"Chicken, drug resistance and UTIs"
Skeptically Speaking with Desiree Schell | September 16, 2012
"Livestock production, antibiotic resistance, and chicken"
Brand & Martinez, Southern California Public Radio | August 29, 2012
"Hantavirus in Yosemite"
The Dr. Demento Show with Bryan Davis | July 8, 2012
"Swapping Germs"
Life Matters, ABC Radio National, Australia | June 13, 2012
"Superbugs in food"
Futureproof with Jonathan McCrae,, Dublin | May 24, 2012
"The dark legacy of a bad kebab"
Scientific American's podcast with Steve Mirsky | April 4, 2012
"Food poisoning's lasting legacy"
Scientific American's podcast with Steve Mirsky | February 2, 2012
"Antibiotic resistance and agriculture"
Scientific American's podcast with Steve Mirsky | January 31, 2012
"Fecal transplants: the straight poop"
Word of Mouth with Virginia Prescott, New Hampshire Public Radio | January 23, 2012
"Type 1 diabetes spikes"
Science Friday with Ira Flatow, NPR | January 13, 2012
"New TB strain thwarts all antibiotics"
The Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC | January 13, 2012
"Please explain: Tuberculosis"
Where We Live with John Dankosky, WNPR, Hartford | January 4, 2012
“Where IS The Beef?: A health, economic and environmental perspective”
Futureproof with Jonathan McCrae,, Dublin | October 27, 2011
"Fact-checking 'Contagion'"
Good Food with Evan Kleiman, KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, California | Oct. 22, 2011
“Six new strains of E. coli”
True South, WGAU-AM, Athens, Georgia | October 1, 2011
Podcast here and in iTunes
KPCC-FM, Los Angeles | September 29, 2011
“The drug-resistant superbug that won’t die”
Skeptically Speaking with Desiree Schell | August 28, 2011
Download the podcast here
The Christopher Gabriel Program, WDAY-AM | June 7, 2011
Sound files (two-parter) here
Futureproof with Jonathan McCrea,, Dublin | May 27, 2011
"MRSA and other superbugs"
To the Point with Warren Olney, KCRW, Santa Monica | April 20, 2011
"Resistance to antibiotics"
It's Your Health with Lisa Davis | February 4, 2011
Soundfile here
The Fresh and Local Show with Susan Berkson and Bonnie Dehn | October 23, 2010
Details and podcast here
The Food Sleuth with Melinda Hemmelgarn, KOPN-FM | September 30, 2010
Listen and download the podcast here
The Agenda with Steve Paiken, TV Ontario | September 28, 2010
Video and podcast links here
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory | September 13, 2010
Find the segment here
WNEG-TV, Athens, Georgia | September 2, 2010
Watch the segment on YouTube
The Takeaway with John Hockenberry, WYNC | August 13, 2010
“The ‘Superbug’: Imagining A World Without Effective Antibiotics”
Story and audio file here
The State of Nevada, KNPR-FM, Las Vegas | July 22, 2010
Story and audio download here
“Meat on Drugs,” The Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC-FM | July 21, 2010
Story and podcast download here
Victual Reality with Tom Philpott, Edible Radio | June 15, 2010
Story and podcast here
Radio Sustain, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | June 10, 2010
Podcast download here
The Current with Hana Gartner, CBC Radio One | June 4, 2010
Soundfile here
Word of Mouth with Virginia Prescott, New Hampshire Public Radio | May 18, 2010
"Meat and Antibiotic Resistance"
Science Friday, NPR | April 16, 2010
Program page here; podcast here
Fresh Air with Terry Gross, NPR | March 23, 2010
Read the story here; podcast here.
The Exchange, New Hampshire Public Radio | September 8, 2009
"Handling H1N1"