Breaking MRSA news from the ICAAC meeting 1

MRSA and pets – any experience?

Erratic posting ahead

Much new news on hospital-acquired infections

MRSA in sports

How to wash your hands, a tutorial

Sign of the times: Taking your own cleaning materials to the hospital

New MRSA group discussion, caveat lector

Five-fold increase in flu+MRSA deaths in kids

UK: Hospitals’ MRSA deaths could bring manslaughter charges

More teen MRSA deaths

Non-pharm prevention alternative for MRSA skin infections

CDC educational campaign on antimicrobial resistance

The importance of MRSA in a flu pandemic

Good news from California

A small self-promotion

Disease-related Do Not Fly list?

UK grapples with community MRSA

A plea (and, if you need relevance, an example of the failure of US healthcare)

Gram-negatives need love too

New CDC educational campaign on CA-MRSA, aimed at parents