The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a long-running educational campaign called “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work.”
But with flu season starting, the agency has decided to make an extra push, hoping to prevent parents from asking pediatricians to prescribe antibiotics for colds and flu. (Which are, all together now: Viruses! And are not affected by: Antibiotics! Gold stars all ’round.) So it has named next week, Oct. 6-10, as “Get Smart About Antibiotics Week.”
There’s a website page specifically for the campaign, which seems to be aimed mostly at health-care institutions and public agencies — places that would mount campaigns and plan activities to reinforce the stewardship message. (The campaign has 14 health-agency and professional-association partners.) If you’re in any of those roles, there are scripts, ads, PSAs, pre-written “articles” and web graphics and widgets. Find them here.
If you’re looking for more general information that you can, for instance, share with friends, this page has explanations in everyday language.
Here’s a question: Are there any readers who are health-care professionals (doctors, nurses, NPs, PAs etc.) who feel you are pressured to prescribe antibiotics? If so, please get in touch via the comments or the email address in the right-hand bio box. I would love to hear from you.