Folks, when I was writing the last post (regarding Scott Weese’s blog), I had to stop and look up several sites. In mid-click, I realized how silly that was, because they are sites I visit all the time — and you should too, if you’re concerned about the veterinary, zoonotic, agricultural and food-policy issues that we discuss here so frequently.
So I’ve created a new category in the blogroll to the right, showcasing food and ag-policy sites that I think are worth reading. Among them you’ll find:
- Extending the Cure and the Center for a Livable Future
- the excellent group food-policy blog Ethicurean
- Grist magazine‘s coverage of food policy
- the amusing and cogent Fair Food Fight
- the nonprofit research organizations Trust for America’s Health and the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production
- the Union of Concerned Scientists, on the case for antibiotic use in animals longer than almost anyone
- and the Soil Association, the British nonprofit who have done the most to bring MRSA in meat to public attention.
If you have other recommendations, please send them!