News round-up

I’m deep into writing again and therefore slipping on posting; apologies to regular readers! But here are some items of importance from the past week:

  • Wednesday (Aug. 20) marked the first anniversary of Illinois‘ signing and immediately enacting the MRSA Screening & Reporting Act, the first state law to mandate that hospitals screen all ICU and other high-risk patients for MRSA colonization and to isolate and treat them until they are clear. This law would never have been passed without the extraordinary advocacy of MRSA survivor Jeanine Thomas, founder of the MRSA Survivors Network (site here and in the blogroll).
  • Also as of Wednesday, California came within one step of passing its own MRSA laws, SB 1058 and SB 158. They await the signature of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger — but with California’s budget in a $15.2 billion deficit freefall, new legislation there may be held hostage until a budget deal is agreed. Important addition: SB 1058 is also called “Nile’s Law,” after Nile Calvin Moss, who died of MRSA in April 2006. His parents Carole and Ty have pushed relentlessly for a MRSA law in his memory.
  • Plus, a great find thanks to Carole Moss: The Washington State Department of Health has put together an excellent pamphlet, Living with MRSA, that explains MRSA infection, colonization, decolonization and infection-control care at home in excellent everyday language.
  • And finally, another blog worth knowing about: GERMblog, written by Dr. Harley Rotbart, professor and vice-chair of pediatrics at University of Colorado School of Medicine and author of Germ Proof Your Kids: The Complete Guide to Protecting (Without Overprotecting) Your Family from Infections. I interviewed Dr. Rotbart recently for a magazine story and his advice was clear, science-based and sensible. His blog is now in the blogroll.


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