About a year ago, I told you about an indie effort to put together a superbug documentary called Resistance. The filmmakers, Ernie Park and Michael Graziano (who made the excellent documentary Lunch Line about school lunch programs), have been traveling around the world since then, meeting victims of antibiotic resistance and talking to health care professionals and researchers about superbugs’ inexorable advance.
And now they are in their last stretch, and — as you do these days — they have a Kickstarter, with 35 days to go.
Here’s their pitch video, by Graziano, which nicely captures a frustration that I’ve felt so many times myself: the topic is so big, the threat is so staggering, that you’re lost for a way to express it without sounding over-the-top.
The list of people they have spoken to is impressive, and the victims’ stories they have captured sound heart-breaking. This film, if it’s successful, could bring the story of the advance of antibiotic resistance — a story everyone needs to hear — to new audiences. I hope you’ll take a look.